Monday, April 21, 2008

French capital honours Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama has been made an honorary citizen of Paris, as anti-French protests continue in China. Paris city council voted to bestow the symbolic title on the Tibetan spiritual leader, whom Mayor Bertrand Delanoe called "a champion of peace".
The move was opposed by the party of President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying to ease tense ties with Beijing. Chinese protesters have been picketing French supermarket Carrefour, accusing it of supporting the Dalai Lama. Beijing accuses the Dalai Lama of inciting unrest in Tibet - claims he has denied. Chinese officials are launching a two-month "patriotic education" in Tibet, in which Communist Party officials and local people will gather to denounce the spiritual leader. Paris wants to show its support for the people of Tibet
The Dalai Lama, who lives in exile in India, insists he has no political role and played no part in the protests by Tibetan Buddhist monks that erupted into rioting in the main city Lhasa last month. But he condemned the Chinese crackdown that followed, and accused Beijing of committing "cultural genocide" in Tibet.
Tibetan sympathisers and human rights activists have since used the worldwide tour of the Olympic torch to protest against Beijing's hosting of the Olympic Games this August.
Mayor Delanoe said in honouring the Dalai Lama, Paris wanted "to show its support for the people of Tibet who are defending their most basic right to dignity, freedom and simply life".

The Chinese government demonstrates a disgusting example of totalitarianism and dishonesty. They continue to spread their maliciuos lies and propaganda by accusing the Dalai Lama of inciting the recent protests and violence in Tibet. They know full well that the Dalai Lama opposes violence and would never encourage or support such actions in spite of all the suffering that the Tibetan people have suffered at the hands of the Chinese. He has in fact attempted discourage all violence.
Shame on the Chinese government and those who support them! These unwelcome Chinese invaders have oppressed the peaceful and spiritual people of Tibet for sixty years. They have caused untold damage to Tibetan culture in a mindless rampage of destruction and they continue with their deliberate and systematic policy to replace this ancient and unique culture with their own soulless apparatus of political control.
It has to be acknowledged that the Chinese occupation has brought modernization and badly needed infrastructure to Tibet but sadly genocide and cultural vandalism as well.
Mao's "cultural revolution" was a crime against humanity as well as a clear demonstration of his megalomania and unfitness to rule.
Chinese "patriotic education" sounds really Orwellian, like something out of 1984. Force fed indoctrination and propaganda!
Why does China need Tibet anyway? I suppose they just aren't capable or willing to admit their past mistakes and misdeeds. And No the Beijing Olympics will not provide a distraction to make the problems go away!
Anyway well done Mayor Bertand Delanoe!
By the way I want to make it clear that my comments are directed against the Chinese government only, not the people. I have been to China, I respect the Chinese people and I have many Chinese friends.

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