Thursday, May 8, 2008

When theology is not black and white

Barack Obama has now dissociated himself from Dr Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor, after Dr Wright's most recent public appearance, a speech to the National Press Club. Senator Obama said, 'Obviously whatever relationship I have had with the Rev Wright has changed. I don't think he showed much concern for me or what we are trying to do with this campaign or for the American people.' The impact of the Jeremiah Wright affair on Obama's bid for the Democratic nomination is difficult to assess at this point, but it could still prove fatal. If Obama's former pastor scuttles his chances of becoming the Unites States' first black president, it would be a tragedy of Greek proportions. Needless to day, Hillary Clinton has been making hay -- she has even appeared on the right-wing O'Reilly Factor, on Fox News, to say, repeatedly, that she would not have remained in any church pastored by Jeremiah Wright (in other words, either Obama's judgment is suspect or he secretly agrees with Jeremiah Wright).
Jeremiah Wright claims that attacks on his sermons are in fact attacks on the black church. I've no doubt that many white Americans are struggling to understand the theology and practice of black Christianity. But I am equally sure that many are simply outraged at Dr Wright's claims that America was to blame for the 9/11 attacks, his praise for the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who is regarded by many as an anti-Semite, and his bizarre allegation that the US government created the Aids virus in order to infect black people.

Here's a primer on Jeremiah Wright and black theology:
profile of Jeremiah Wright.
Wright interviewed by
Bill Moyers.
Wright addresses National Press Club.
A journalistic visit to
Barack Obama's church.
James Cone, a leading black theologian,
explains black theology.

William Crawley

Reverend Wright is a total idiot! He preaches lies and nonsense in his attempts to stir up hatred and resentment amongst his Africal American congregregation. He is also doing everything possible to damage Barack Obama's campaign. His five minutes of fame must be more important to him than supporting Obama. He has nothing intelligent to say and should be ignored. I feel sure his sermons are full of devisive comments and factual inaccuracies. No one is attacking the black church they are rightly criticising Reverend Wright alone for his outrageous and ridiculous comments. I hear he retired recently which is best for all concerned.
Now let the media stop paying attention to this moron and move on!

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