Monday, July 7, 2008

Keith Allen will burn in hell

[First shown on Channel 4 in June 2007 - from]

Keith Allen discovers an unnerving mixture of hatred, fanaticism and fun when he investigates one of the USA’s most extreme fundamentalist churches.
The members of Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, which preaches that every word in the Bible is literally true, are some of America's most fanatical Christian fundamentalists. Bearing ‘God Hates Fags’ and ‘God Hates America’ placards, they cheerfully picket the funerals of US soldiers killed in Iraq, and delight in provoking outrage among both liberals and patriots.
Programme-makers in America and Britain have repeatedly tried to expose their beliefs as anti-Christian, but these attempts have failed. In Channel 4’s investigation, Keith Allen takes a smarter, more streetwise approach. During three extraordinary days at Westboro, Keith reveals more about the church than other television programmes have unearthed in three months.
In interviews that are hilarious, infuriating and compelling, he forensically exposes the curious mixture of hatred and jollity that underpins their faith. Using all his journalistic skills and instincts, he scavenges for information in local bars and discovers a secret about the church's chief spokesperson, Shirley Phelps-Roper. Shirley confesses her ‘sin’ on camera, making a memorable climax to a programme that exposes the hypocrisy of this bizarre, fundamentalist sect.
Find out more
There’s lots more information about Christian fundamentalists in the USA in other parts of the Faith and Belief website.
God's Next ArmyConservative evangelical Christians hold key positions in the US Government, and now they're training the next generation to take power.
Make Me A VirginWhen filmmaker and ex-evangelical Christian Jamie Campbell is asked to make a video promoting sexual abstinence, he discovers some unexpected agendas at work in the ‘no sex before marriage’ movement.
Putting the Fun Into FundamentalPresenter Elliott Gerner travels around the world meeting different religious groups, from Christian fundamentalists in America's Bible Belt to an obscure Hindu goddess in India.
Texas Teenage VirginsIn the town of Lubbock in Texas, where a lot of people take the Bible literally, the church is powerful enough to ensure that teenagers receive no education about sex, while the Christian radio stations and preachers tell them that condoms don’t work, that sex brings disease and that abstinence is the only option.
The Doomsday CodeTony Robinson investigates the people with powerful political friends in the White House, who are trying to bring about the end of the world.
The FundamentalistsMark Dowd finds that there are fundamentalists of all religious persuasions across the world – Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and, unexpectedly, Buddhists.
The New FundamentalistsRod Liddle investigates the evangelical Christians who tell teenagers that contraception won't protect them and that homosexuality is wrong.
Turning Muslim in TexasIn the state of Texas, the Bible Belt is transferring its allegiance to the Qur’an because, for many erstwhile Christians, believe it or not, the church is too liberal.
With God on Our SideA detailed and fascinating exploration of American Christian fundamentalism, the intentions and implications of the separation of church and state, and a round-up of evangelicals.

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